Rowan, whose full name is Greenfoot Bolder With Goldendance joined us at the age of 9 weeks, being born in October 2009. He comes from the Dunskey Estate near Stranraer in Scotland, and it was an eventful journey (to say the least) to pick him up. He has quite a few field trial champions and winners in his pedigree and is currently being trained as a Gundog, learning all the different types of retrieves etc. Rowan entered his first field test in August 2012, and didnt disgrace himself although he wasn't placed in the overall scores. I have to say that I think I learned a lot more about myself that day, and in certain respects my handling was more of an issue that Rowan's ability! Over the years we've competed in several tests during the summer months, and although we've never won, Rowan has certainly enjoyed his time. The closest we came was 9th on a test in Cornwall and rather frustratingly missed out on the "Novice dog, Novice handler" award by 1 point! Rowan achieved 100/120 that day, pretty much our best score, and a day I'll never forget.